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8 years ago
CBI misspelled the culprits name wrongly. Sr. Lucy became Sr. Lousy. Case closes. In the meantime, a professor of the BCM College of English: Prof. Thresiamma is in hot water. Prof. Thresiamma, who was a colleague of Thomas Kottur (spelled Kottoor in another publication) and Jose Puthurukkayil in the same BCM college. Prof. Jose Puthurukkayil was in the same department of Prof. Thres
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
When not entertaining the public in town centres across Yorkshire and Lancashire, Tim travelled extensively to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. When the money ran out, he would return home, juggle frantically and return to his travels. Mr Wallace's itinerant lifestyle has led to numerous adventures But his itinerant lifestyle came to an abrupt halt while travelling through a remote are
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
Gujarat cadre IPS officer M Sekar whose diligent investigation while on deputation to the CBI had exposed Harshad Mehta's multi-million stock market scam in 1992, has filed a petition before the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT). Sekar, a 1983 batch IPS officer, was dismissed from service by the Union government in January this year on charges of corruption while in the CBI. In his petitio
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
The Union government has "prematurely" repatriated two senior IPS officers, in the rank of Additional Director General (ADG), to their parent cadre. "Two Additional Directors General-- Kishore Jha (CRPF) and Somesh Goyal (SS- have been repatriated to their parent cadres of Manipur-Tripura and Himachal Pradesh respectively. The orders have been issued by the Union Home Ministry," official sour
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
Agartala, Jan 20 ,2012 (IANS) The alleged presence of a widow in the official residence of Tripura's additional director general of police has led to controversy, forcing the government to probe the incident and ask the senior official to go on indefinite leave. An official release of the Tripura home department said: "To ascertain the factual position of the incident, which took place in th
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
India’s external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has been hit by another crisis. A senior female officer, working as a Director in the training branch of the agency at Gurgaon, attempted suicide on August 19 by consuming rat poison outside the Prime Minister’s Office. Nisha Priya Bhatia took the extreme step after being denied entry to register a complaint regarding
Forum: Breaking News
8 years ago
Those who knew of him believed Ravi Nair, senior intelligence man, lived a charmed life. An officer at the joint secretary level in the Research and Analysis Wing, Nair wangled plum postings, allegedly pocketed secret funds, was involved in several suspicious liaisons with women and, despite adverse notings from his seniors, managed to survive. However, Nair's luck finally ran out last week when
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